Bring joy to students for years to come

Welcome to Collegium Infinitum, a community of alumni helping the Harvard-Radcliffe Collegium Musicum keep singing ad infinitum.

“Today’s students are grateful to Collegium Infinitum for helping all of us fully participate in tour and other programs. We’ll leave college deeply enriched, thanks to your generosity.”

– Madison Webb ’25, HRCM President 2023-2024

The vision: A diverse and inclusive Collegium

Your sustaining gift makes it possible for every singer to go on tour, improve musically through one-on-one instruction via the Holden Voice Program, and take part in world-class performances. Your gift can meaningfully change lives today and for generations to come.

There are three ways to become a member of Collegium Infinitum

Include Collegium in your estate plan

Use FreeWill, a free service co-founded by Collegium alumna Jenny Xia Spradling, to easily make your will or trust, or get help adding Collegium to your existing estate plan. For most people the process takes about 20 minutes. Get started now.

If you already have a will, add Collegium by sharing this language with your estate attorney to include as a codicil: “I give ( _____ dollars or _____ percent of the residue of my estate) to the Harvard-Radcliffe Collegium Musicum Foundation, Inc., a Massachusetts charitable corporation, for its general purposes.”

Designate the Foundation a beneficiary of non-probate assets such as life insurance that are outside of an existing estate plan here.

Commit to a $5,000+ donation annually

Set up recurring gifts of $5,000 or greater here. Or give at least $5,000 and let us know you intend to make this contribution annually.

Give a one-time amount of $50,000 or more.

Email to discuss your gift.

Tax-advantaged giving

Your dollars may go farther with non-cash gifts

Consider these three options for tax-advantaged giving.

Gifts of appreciated securities

When you transfer ownership of long-term holdings to the Collegium Foundation, you receive a charitable deduction for their full market value at the time of the gift and avoid steep capital gains taxes.

Grants from Donor-Advised Funds

Your contribution to a DAF makes you eligible for an immediate tax deduction. You can then make a one-time gift or set up ongoing sustaining gifts to the Collegium Foundation.

Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs)

If you are 70½ years old or older, you can take advantage of a QCD from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA). A QCD allows you to transfer up to $100,000 directly to Collegium Foundation without the distribution counting as taxable income. If you are subject to Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs), the donation counts towards your RMD for the year.


Email with questions or to let us know about a gift so that we may thank you!

We greatly appreciate your generosity.

The Harvard-Radcliffe Collegium Musicum Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization under the Internal Revenue Code (EIN #04-2648126).

A member of the Harvard Choruses
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